Why am I here?

Why am I here?

Heres a question we have all most likely asked ourselves… Why am I here? What is my purpose? What am I? A mother, a brother, a friend, a co-worker, a business owner… All very good, but regular shemugular answers right? Sometimes, at least for me.. we wonder the deeper meaning behind our existence. And am i right when I say, there has to be more to life than this? Maybe you’re the outstanding soccer mom that always has thoughtful gifts for the players. Maybe you're that friend that never forgets a birthday or occasion. Maybe you’re the business owner working day & night to be successful for your family AND still stay active in doing for the community. Maybe you’re the single mom or dad… & most days you are drained from work but still come home & push yourself to help with homework, hear about your kids day, get baths & finally… get yourself into bed just to wake up tomorrow & do it all again. Whoever you are, you must wonder occasionally, WHAT AM I HERE FOR?! This can’t be it. Where is fulfillment FOR ME? This world.. whewww. It’s chaotic. It’s hard. It’s cruel. This world can be so unrewarding & just sad. BUT, yes but… this world can also be spectacular, breathtaking, forgiving and magical. Along my journey here I have experienced a bit both. I have to say the magic is my favorite part of being here. Whether it be the radiant colors that canvas our sky during the sunset, a new life coming into the world, being able to pay a bill and had no idea how you were going to do it, a stranger coming through with a random act of kindness or finding something that you thought was lost forever, it is all magic. Well… maybe you don’t believe in magic. Or maybe you think your magic has been stolen and is somewhere hiding with your joy. Believe me, mine has hid from me as well. I also think I learned what I am here for during the times my magic was gone.  We are all here for something. We all have talent, discovered or undiscovered. Some of us will find our talent young, while some us won't until we are older. I did not find the things that brought me peace and happiness until the age of 37.. I know people who didn't figure it out until 57. Be inspired my friends because you will find your magic too!

So what does all this have to do with my soaps & skincare you may be wondering. The answer is the things I make & sell here, are why I am here. My products are my magic! When I am in my kitchen creating, I am in my happy place & hearing how they enjoyed or have helped someone brings me joy. I can’t quite put my finger on the exact moment I knew this was my passion. It has been a couple years since I became intrigued with essential oils, crystals, yoga, plants & more. I can’t  remember if it was my sons father buying me a diffuser, or my strong dislike for how overmedicated people are ( like my father who at some point was taking maybe 18 medications), or discovering the miraculous properties of Coconut oil and Shea butter. All I know is here I am & these things are my passion & lifestyle. I am nowhere near (yet) how I envision myself. As this youthful ol’ green witch with all the natural knowledge to heal many ailments, to have folks feeling and looking their best, walking amongst my honey bees, herbs & plants in my mini botanical garden (that i will teach a harmonious yoga class in every Sunday in the warmer months)… disappearing into my shop when someone has an affliction that is bothering them. I want my children to be knowledgable & respectful of nature and hope they will always look to me when they need to find their magic and that they will carry on this love I have to their own children one day. This is the place I want to hold in my community, my family and in my friendships. I want to bring peace, healing and the power of nature to anything I am involved with, and always leave people better then when they found me.

This is why I am here.


  • Hello from SC!
    That was very beautiful!!! Its so nice to know that you put your heart into what you do! I know the products will be amazing!! I found your page from my coworker who knows you, Kina. Im so glad! I can’t wait to order!

    Marquia Edwards
  • Beautifully said you are a true inspiration


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